COVID-19 situation update in Cambodia!
1. As of March 21 at 11:50am, Cambodia’s Covid-19 situation:
- New cases: 48
- New recovered: 15
- Deaths: 03 (female: 01)
- Active cases: 735 (female: 305)
- Total recovered: 950 (female: 398)
- Total cases: 1,690 (female: 704)
- Total tests: 633,531 (37,710 per one million population)
2. Cambodia on March 11 promulgated Law on Measures to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19 and Other Serious, Dangerous and Contagious Diseases. Based on the law, the offenders could face 06 months to 20 years in prison and a fine of between two and $500 and $5,000.
3. Ministry of Health March 17 reported that from 04 March – 14 March 2021:
- Number of volunteers coming for Covid-19 vaccination from 10 February-14 March 2021: 189,086 (female: 65043)
- Number of people vaccinated: 170,659 (female: 57430)
- Number of people not allowed for vaccination due to health-related problems: 18,427 (female: 7613)
4. As of March 18 evening, Ministry of Health updated that:
- The number of people vaccinated (Sinopharm): 145, 533
- The number of people vaccinated (Astra Zeneca): 65,901
5. Ministry of National Defense March 20 informed that the number of members of farmed forces vaccinated: 110, 587 for the first time, and 93,288 for the second time.
6. Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MOEYS) and Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MOLVT) on March 21 announced to temporarily close all schools and TVET centers countrywide till further notice.
7. Cambodian Prime Ministers’ announcement has been still on hold till further notice:
- All government institutions to adopt the work-from-home practices and to have only 10% of their personnel stand by at their workplace.
- Private institutions should reduce the number of staff at the workplace and let them take turns to work to avoid congestion in the workplace and on the street.
- Schools, gyms, concert halls, museums, and other entertainment and wedding venues were ordered to close for 2 weeks in Phnom Penh, Kandal and Preah Sihanouk provinces.
(Sources: Cambodian Prime Ministers’ announcement & Cambodia’s Ministries of Health, Education and National Defense)